Space Planning

Space Planning

Whether you’re planning to re-organise your existing space or undertaking an office move, space planning is the key to developing an effective, spacious and attractive workplace. Our highly experienced team is here to solve all your office accommodation challenges.

We consider your move from every angle – from your growth plans and operational needs, to legal requirements and IT infrastructure.

Space Plan 3D Render
3D Render of office space plan

Why Choose Us?

Apres Furniture offers a detailed space planning and interior design service. We can carry out a feasibility study to assess your existing or new space and advise on the impact of future growth and expansion. We can design space plans and technical working drawings and work with you to show you how to best configure your space and plan for work areas, archive space and community areas. Work with Apres Furniture and ensure that you maximise your space, identify any under-utilised areas and save money in unnecessary rental.

Installation and Removals

We believe the office environment is very important as we spend as much time there as at home. We take into consideration comfort, efficiency, communication within each department and between each department, productivity and effectiveness of the layout:

  • Comfort - We can ensure that desks are adjustable or suited to the department and tasks that will take place, whether it will be sitting, standing, spending long periods of time in front of the computer or on the phone. We can also recommend the right ergonomic solutions to the tasks
  • Efficiency - Through the planning of the office layout we can help place work teams in close proximity of other teams they need to interact with frequently and office equipment they use often, therefore optimizing the use of your space
  • Communication - Positioning each department strategically for optimum effectiveness in communicating internally with colleagues or customers
  • Productivity - Designing the office layout to suit the process, tasks and requirements of the environment
Space Planning by Apres Furniture